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Hello! aka start dancing…

January 4, 2013

Hello to everyone who’s stumbled across this blog! For ages I’ve wanted to start a blog, so I could share special moments with other people, give and receive insights on life and generally witter on. Lame as this is, the thing stopping me was that I just couldn’t think of a good blog name (I know, ridiculous!). Then yesterday I heard this song:

‘Dance the Way I Feel’ by Ou Est le Swimming Pool

If you haven’t heard it, I recommend giving it a listen.

Have you ever heard a song playing in a club, a bar, your room etc, and just lost yourself in the music? Suddenly you’re pulling out dance moves you didn’t even know you knew, and you really don’t care if they look good or not – they’re coming from somewhere other than your brain; you’re totally in the moment, floating above the crowd, in your own little space and time.  Similarly, you read a passage in a book and it seems to resonate with something you knew deep down but had never acknowledged – suddenly you feel a thrill and think ‘I didn’t know other people felt that too!’ There’s something so freeing about that feeling, and the emotions expressed in that music/book/poem/conversation can be so real for you in that moment, it’s almost sad when it’s over and real life crowds in again.

Sometimes I feel like those are the moments when you are connected with something elemental in the universe, the ‘great beyond’ everyone is reaching for in their own way, only to watch it slip away again? When somehow the glimpse is worth it, even though you spend so much longer longing for it to return…

I think my ideal for this blog is to make a space where I can express those feelings a little; where I can be intense and explore that stuff without freaking out/boring others –  and hopefully other people will join in with me! There’s no set agenda for this blog, although that may change. I’d definitely like it to be more upbeat than not, for example, because I do believe life is generally pretty good! Apart from that, I don’t have a clue, but I’m looking forward to finding out.

Saying that, I do have a lot more silly moments than deep ones, so there may be a fair bit of that going on too..!

So, first post, first question for anyone who might read this: what music makes you ‘dance the way you feel’? Here’s a couple of my choices to start you off:

‘Dissolve Me’ by Alt-J

‘De Usuahia a la Quiaca’ Gustavo Santaolalla

and, bizarrely:

‘Waka waka’ Shakira & Freshly Ground

I know… but it’s a fun song! I’d love you to leave yours in the comments 🙂

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